Our Classes

Lifeguard Recertifications


To participate in a recertification class, lifeguards need to present current lifeguard certification. Lifeguards must participate in the full lifeguard class if their certification has expired more than 30-days (up until the date of the recertification class).

Only American Red Cross Lifeguards can participate in the recertification class. All others are welcome to join the full lifeguard class to get Red Cross lifeguard certified.

Reach out below to talk about how to sign up for a recertification class!


Lifeguard Classes

Lifeguard classes train and prepare lifeguards to work in the aquatic industry. They learn how to perform water rescues, CPR and AED, First Aid and learn what it means to be a professional lifeguard.

Lifeguard certifications are through the American Red Cross and current for two years.

CPR and AED Classes

CPR and AED classes prepare professionals and Good Samaritans to respond to cardia and breathing emergencies. Skills learned in this class include; adult/child/infant choking, respiratory distress, respiratory arrest, heart attack, cardiac arrest and AED training.

CPR and AED certifications are through the American Red Cross and are current for two years.


First Aid Classes

First Aid classes prepare professionals and Good Samaritans respond to first aid emergencies. Skills taught in these classes include; injury prevention, common injuries, allergic reaction, bone/muscle/joint injuries, life-threatening emergencies, when to call 9-1-1.

First Aid Certifications are through the American Red Cross and are current for two years.

Additional Classes

These classes can be taught upon request:

First Aid/CPR/AED combo

Safety Training for Swim Coaches

Additional lifeguard, CPR/AED, First Aid classes

Swim Lessons

Interested in hosting a class?

Contact CAST to schedule a class at your facility!